Wednesday, August 28, 2013

East Coast Sturgis

August 9-11, 2013 -- This was an experiment by one of my bootblack "babies" which did not go as anticipated.  Trigger wanted to bring the bootblack experience to the biker community and, as he is one of my Leather children, I was happy to support him by being there and joining in the event.  Life, as usual, has a way of testing one's resolve and I was proud of the way Trigger handled the situations that arose.  Sir, Raquel and I drove up to Little Orleans, Maryland on Friday and it began to rain (again that week!) after we got our tents set up and had started looking around the event grounds.  It had been raining every day that week and the dirt roads were a sea of mud enhanced by the bikers performing daily runs to show off their motorcycles.  Raquel had never been camping in tents before and was a bit stunned by the lack of amenities that she was used to in the city.  Since it was so muddy, no one wanted to have their boots cleaned and polished since the shine would be gone within steps from the stand.  Saturday, there was no rain but it takes time for so much mud to dry out and, since most of the bikers were there to show off their wonderful machines and not to have their leather gear worked on, the few who did sit in the stands found out what a bootblack could do for them and their leathers.  Ah, well, life goes on and so does my journey.  *giggles*

The lace top was a halter that did not last.

At the campground

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